Books I’ve Written

These books have sufficient theological content to interest experts but are intended for anyone to read with profit.  They are theological books for the church.


Heaven is a Place on Earth  emphasizes the importance of creation for the Christian worldview.  Many Christians will recover the true meaning of their lives when they stop thinking like Plato and read their lives through the biblical story of creation, fall, and redemption.  This liberating journey through Scripture shows you how.


Don’t Stop Believing addresses the questions that this current generation is asking: is it possible to know anything?, must you believe something to be saved?, are people good or bad?, can non-Christians be saved?, does hell last forever?  Each chapter begins with a fundamentalist extreme, cites a postmodern over-reaction, and closes with a third way which retains the best insights of each.


Christ Alone is the first book-length response to Rob Bell’s Love Wins. Although it is a critique of one book, the issues it addresses–hell, universalism, sin, and most important–what is the gospel?–will be roiling the evangelical world for some time. I hope that readers will use Christ Alone to delve into the Scriptures and discover for themselves what God says about “heaven, hell, and the fate of everyone who has ever lived.”


The Last Enemy is an honest and hope-filled look at death. This book’s devotional style will help anyone who trembles when they consider their mortality. I don’t sugar coat death. It’s as bad as you think, and worse. But Jesus has triumphed over the grave, and if you follow the instructions in this book, so will you.


Despite Doubt: Embracing a Confident Faith examines both our objective doubts (Is there a God? Is Jesus His Son? Is the Bible God’s Word?) and our subjective doubts (Am I obeying God? Am I saved? Can I have assurance that I’m saved?). In each case we learn that while doubt can play a beneficial role, it isn’t necessary for a life of faith. Believe what you know, it’s more than you think.

worldly saints

Worldly Saints: Can You Serve Jesus and Still Enjoy Your Life? answers a nagging question that most Christians ask, but almost never out loud. This book explains how to integrate the natural with the supernatural, creation with redemption, your human with your Christian life. You can enjoy both earthly pleasure and heavenly purpose as you serve Jesus in God’s good world.

Anticipating Heaven is a short introduction to the Christian’s intermediate and final states. It answers the important questions, What happens when you die? and What happens after that?

The Bible Explainer is a beautifully illustrated book that introduces readers to the Bible then takes them deeper. Topics range from the basic, Why is there anything? and Who wrote the Bible? to advanced questions about canonicity, hermeneutics, origins, immigration, genocide, slavery, gender, sexuality, and atonement. Leave it on your coffee table and read a question or two when you have a free moment. Or read it straight through to ground followers of Jesus in the faith.

The 5-Minute Visual Guide to the Bible supplies an interesting and easy to read overview of the Bible’s story. Excellent introduction–with pictures–for those unfamiliar with the people and events of Scripture.

Four Views on Heaven begins with my historical survey of the church’s developing views on the final destiny of the saved. It then facilitates a dialogue among scholars holding various views: John Feinberg (traditional evangelical Protestant), J. Richard Middleton (new earth), Michael Allen (heaven on earth), and Peter Kreeft (Catholic). You may be surprised about what they disagree about, and what they don’t!

Journey Through Haggai & Malachi is an exegetical devotional suitable for personal or group use. It applies the message of these two prophets to those whose lives feel stuck.

Urban Legends of Theology corrects forty Urban Legends, such as “I am enough” and “We are the hands and feet of Jesus;” ten mini myths, such as “Arminians have no assurance of salvation” and “Calvinists have no incentive to evangelize;” and six suburban legends, such “I must forgive myself” and “the Bible doesn’t teach church membership.” It’s a sequel to B & H Academic’s Urban Legends of Old Testament, New Testament, and Church History, and would be an enjoyable read for school, church, or personal growth.


12 responses to “Books I’ve Written”

  1. I gave Don’t Stop Believing to my dad for Christmas – but I couldn’t handle it sitting on my shelf before I wrapped it and I read it first! 🙂

    Thank you for this well-written, easy to read, and thought provoking book. I had been looking for a good overall look at the emerging church and postmodernism’s impact (good and bad) on the Church, and this was excellent. Thank you, thank you.

  2. mike


    Thank you so much for your encouraging word. Your kind response is exactly the reason I started writing. May God give you many opportunities to serve his church.

  3. I think you need to update this portion of your blog, Dr. Wittmer…it feels as though a book is missing…

  4. “Christ Alone” is an excellent response. It clarifies the gospel and supports Biblical authority. Thank you for taking the time to write this necessary apologetic.

  5. I just finished reading “Christ Alone” after reading Mr. Bell’s “Love Wins”. Thanks for putting things back in their proper perspective. You confirmed everything I know to be true about God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for taking the time to write it and share your years of studying scripture.

    W. F. Rhoads

  6. I stumbled upon your blog under the “faith and doubt” category of wordpress posts. Your name seemed familiar, and now I see why – I read and appreciated your book The Last Enemy, and also wrote a review of it on my blog. You describe your books as having “sufficient theological content to interest experts but are intended for anyone to read with profit.” This is definitely true for The Last Enemy. Here is the review I wrote in case you want to see it:
    I’ll be on the lookout for more of your books! Thanks for writing.

  7. Thank you for your kind review and words, Laura. I’m encouraged that you were encouraged–and so thankful for the gospel that gives us something to be encouraged about!

  8. mikewittmer

    Thanks, Laura!

  9. […] authored by my professor of theology at seminary. Always a good read. Be sure to check out his books too, they are pastoral and necessary. Another blog from a seminary professor is Head, Heart, Hand. […]

  10. […] One opinion on the whole purpose of Christianity is that the Christian life is a quest to recover our humanity (See Michael Wittmer’s book Heaven is a Place on Earth). […]

  11. […] One opinion on the whole purpose of Christianity is that the Christian life is a quest to recover our humanity (See Michael Wittmer’s book Heaven is a Place on Earth). […]

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